Vlastní výroba

Vlastní výroba produktů bez přirážky obchodníků s materiálem.

Minimalizace dodavatelského řetězce

Firma GARDIS věnovala velké úsilí minimalizaci dodavatelského řetězce, tedy řetězci, který začíná v hliníkových hutích a konči na kraji Vašeho pozemku.


Na každý náš produkt se vztahuje záruka 10 let! Více se dozvíte ZDE.

213 barevných kombinací

213 barevných kombinací včetně dekoru dřeva. Oproti konkurenci široká škála odstínů včetně odstínů dřeva tak, aby plot esteticky ladil s Vašim domem.

Špičková kvalita

Kvalita našich výrobků dosahuje špičkové úrovně a vyniká naddimenzováním síly materiálu, vnitřními výztuhami a tím mimořádnou podélnou a torzní tuhostí plotových míst.

Our Service Achievement

Montujeme po celé ČR!


We have thousands of clients around the world


Our clients are spread over 25 countries around the world


More than 5 years experience, make sure you choose our services


Good reviews and positive feedback from our client

Skladové zásoby

Jsme dostatečné skladové předzásobení a držíme na skladě všechny komponenty k výrobě plotových polí, bran a branek.

Přípravné práce a montáž

Dodáme kvalitní výplně k již existujícím sloupkům, stejně jako vystavíme plot na zelené louce.


S naším plotem si můžete klidné hodit nohy nahoru. Naše ploty nevyžadují žádnou údržbu a to bez ohledu na povětrnostní podmínky.

Každý plot je originál

Ploty dodáváme na přesnou míru a dle Vašich požadavků.

Náročnějším zákazníkům vyrobíme plot jako jedinečný originál.

Our Services

Services we offer to our clients

As independent wealth planners, we can work with you in a clear, transparent partnership, and offer you objective, comprehensive advice.

No matter how complex your finances or personal situation, we have the expertise and market-leading tools at our disposal to provide you with sophisticated and forward-thinking advice, tailored precisely to your needs.

Your personal wealth adviser will consider your finances as a whole to ensure your plans, savings and investments are working hard, and harmoniously together, to achieve your objectives.

Why is this service important?

Investment management

Our expert Investment Managers can run a personalised investment portfolio on your behalf or support you in making your own investment decisions.

Personal wealth planning:

Our independent Wealth Planners can help manage all aspects of your finances and investments meet your financial goals now and in later life.

Protect yourself from fraud:

We are aware that fraudsters are using the Canaccord Genuity name,some of the measures you can take to protect you and your money from fraud.

As independent wealth planners, we can work with you in a clear, transparent partnership, and offer you objective, comprehensive advice.

No matter how complex your finances or personal situation, we have the expertise and market-leading tools at our disposal to provide you with sophisticated and forward-thinking advice, tailored precisely to your needs.

Your personal wealth adviser will consider your finances as a whole to ensure your plans, savings and investments are working hard, and harmoniously together, to achieve your objectives.

Why is this service important?

Investment management

Our expert Investment Managers can run a personalised investment portfolio on your behalf or support you in making your own investment decisions.

Personal wealth planning:

Our independent Wealth Planners can help manage all aspects of your finances and investments meet your financial goals now and in later life.

Protect yourself from fraud:

We are aware that fraudsters are using the Canaccord Genuity name,some of the measures you can take to protect you and your money from fraud.

As independent wealth planners, we can work with you in a clear, transparent partnership, and offer you objective, comprehensive advice.

No matter how complex your finances or personal situation, we have the expertise and market-leading tools at our disposal to provide you with sophisticated and forward-thinking advice, tailored precisely to your needs.

Your personal wealth adviser will consider your finances as a whole to ensure your plans, savings and investments are working hard, and harmoniously together, to achieve your objectives.

Why is this service important?

Investment management

Our expert Investment Managers can run a personalised investment portfolio on your behalf or support you in making your own investment decisions.

Personal wealth planning:

Our independent Wealth Planners can help manage all aspects of your finances and investments meet your financial goals now and in later life.

Protect yourself from fraud:

We are aware that fraudsters are using the Canaccord Genuity name,some of the measures you can take to protect you and your money from fraud.

As independent wealth planners, we can work with you in a clear, transparent partnership, and offer you objective, comprehensive advice.

No matter how complex your finances or personal situation, we have the expertise and market-leading tools at our disposal to provide you with sophisticated and forward-thinking advice, tailored precisely to your needs.

Your personal wealth adviser will consider your finances as a whole to ensure your plans, savings and investments are working hard, and harmoniously together, to achieve your objectives.

Why is this service important?

Investment management

Our expert Investment Managers can run a personalised investment portfolio on your behalf or support you in making your own investment decisions.

Personal wealth planning:

Our independent Wealth Planners can help manage all aspects of your finances and investments meet your financial goals now and in later life.

Protect yourself from fraud:

We are aware that fraudsters are using the Canaccord Genuity name,some of the measures you can take to protect you and your money from fraud.

Postavíme i Váš vysněný plot.